Network Monitoring Solution

December 26, 2009

Network administrators often face the challenges of diagnosing a network problem. For the success of a business it is crucial to maintain the reliability, efficiency and performance of network and the network devices. OpExpert helps you monitor, alert, and report on your network performance issues helping you reduce operational costs and improve productivity.

OpExpert proactively manages the devices and services your computing infrastructure provides to your company and customers, preventing potential issues and problems while your network devices remain productive and working.  This Monitoring reduces the response times to failures or performance degradations of anything attached to your network, which can translate to effective solutions within significantly shorter timeframes.  This service is offered in addition to basic system parameter graphs and alarms that are standard features of OpExpert.

OpExpert network monitoring solution gives network managers the ability to analyze, troubleshoot and monitor network devices with zero impact to the production network. It involves monitoring the critical parameters of the devices. The parameters such as availability, bandwidth usage, error and discards rate, CPU utilization, memory etc are calculated. At the other end providing the network administrators with a console to monitor all these parameters and generate reports for future reference. This also involves generating alarms in the form of an SMS or an e-mail.

Features at a Glance

Availability & Latency
Bandwidth Monitoring
VPN Monitoring
Interface Monitoring
Virtualization Monitoring
SNMP Trap Viewer
CPU, Memory & Disk Space
Services & Processes

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December 26, 2009

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